セントラルバレー日本語補習校はセントラルバレー在住で、現地校に 通う小中学生の日本人子女が、学齢相応の日本の教育カリキュラムを 学び、帰国後に無理なく学校生活全般(授業内容、行動様式)に対応できるレベルを維持することを目的としています。主に国語を中心とし た授業を行っています。この主旨に沿った授業内容に賛同し、参加レベルを有する場合は帰国を前提とした子女でなくても構いません。
セントラルバレー日本語補習校はセントラルバレー在住で、現地校に 通う小中学生の日本人子女が、学齢相応の日本の教育カリキュラムを 学び、帰国後に無理なく学校生活全般(授業内容、行動様式)に対応できるレベルを維持することを目的としています。主に国語を中心とし た授業を行っています。この主旨に沿った授業内容に賛同し、参加レベルを有する場合は帰国を前提とした子女でなくても構いません。
Our Learning Purpose
The Central Valley Japanese School is in the Central Valley. Our goal is for elementary through junior high school students to learn the Japanese educational curriculum suitable for their weekday-school age, and to be able to respond to the overall school life (class content, behavior style) without difficulty even after returning to Japan. Overall, our classroom learning is centralized on Japanese reading/writing. If students are able to learn material focusing on Japanese and have a great participation level, they do not have to be an individual from Japan or Japanese to come to our school as well.
The Central Valley Japanese School is in the Central Valley. Our goal is for elementary through junior high school students to learn the Japanese educational curriculum suitable for their weekday-school age, and to be able to respond to the overall school life (class content, behavior style) without difficulty even after returning to Japan. Overall, our classroom learning is centralized on Japanese reading/writing. If students are able to learn material focusing on Japanese and have a great participation level, they do not have to be an individual from Japan or Japanese to come to our school as well.